Exercises Selected from the OMNIFORCE SERIES

© by Gérard V. Sunnen, M.D.


Exercises Selected from the OMNIFORCE SERIES

The OmniForce Series is a training program for all individuals aiming to stimulate the thrust of their inner life forces. Offering practical pointers and philosophical perspectives for enhancing life skills, the Series also incorporates exercises for accelerating healthy and vital personal transformations.

The exercises in the Series are a fusion of modern techniques of self-hypnosis and meditation and approaches derived from long-established practices of mind-body development, such as Raja Yoga and energy medicine.

One or two of the several exercises in each of the ten OmniForce Series modules will be selected for their recognized effectiveness, their ease of practice, and their wide range of acceptance.

In order to give interested visitors to this site the time and opportunity to practice and consolidate their personal successes, self-training exercises will appear here, in complimentary installments, at intervals of 6 to 8 weeks.

It is sincerely hoped that these OmniForce exercises will successfully accelerate your progress into physical and mental dimensions that resonate with your deepest personal desires.


Third Eye touch pressure for anxiety relief

The Third Eye point is located between the eyebrows, in an area where the bridge of your nose meets your forehead. When touched with the proper amount of pressure, and paired with specific mental exercises, this point is a gateway to communicating your intentions to your entire nervous system.

The Third Eye point is one of many bodily energy centers that, properly accessed, can yield various health benefits. In this exercise, it will be used preferentially to dissolve bodily tension and anxiety. We will revisit this energy center in future exercises to explore other benefits.

Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Take a little time to find a body configuration so that you no longer think about changing your body position.

Gently close your eyes. Slowly bring one of your fingers, of either hand, to the Third Eye point. Let your intuition guide you. At different times, you may find yourself choosing different fingers. You need not press hard, but you should experience a sensation of touch and slight pressure.

Once you have touched your Third Eye point, open your awareness to the flow of air coming in and out of your lungs. As you inhale press a little harder on the eye point, as you exhale, relax the pressure.

As you inhale, invite messages of relaxation to be transmitted to your entire body. The messages may be in the form of images, words (e.g., “relax”), and/or feelings. The most effective are feeling messages (e.g., feelings of peace and pervasive calm). As you exhale allow your mind to let go of all mental images.

Repeat the respiratory cycles a minimum of 7 times, and repeat the exercise three to four times a day. Within two or three weeks, the mere touch of the Third Eye point will become a conditioned reflex for relaxation. Furthermore, your baseline tension level will decrease and you will be on your way to expanding your range of self-control and relaxation ever further into your nervous system.

Meditative muscle isometrics: achieving global relaxation and expanding feelings of inner force via muscle meditation

This technique develops relaxation and promotes the experience of internal strength by meditating on the mental mechanics of tensing, then relaxing muscles. Increasing feelings of self-control derive from the very act of deciding to initiate contractions, then to actualize muscular relaxation.

The neurology of muscle dynamics is well known. The impulse for muscle contraction, for example, starts in an area of the brain called the motor cortex of the precentral gyrus. Nerve impulses then course through the spinal cord, eventually interfacing with muscles, which then contract. Muscular relaxation involves another central command utilizing some of the same pathways.

What is less known, however, is the locus of the decision–making area involved in this process. Where - and how - does the very spark of decision to contract a muscle actually take place? This exercise brings out this element of decision-making, developing the locus of one’s executive power.

The gist of this meditation exercise is the expanded awareness of when and how much to tighten your muscles, and when and how fast you decide to relax them. You will then become increasingly cognizant of the process of creating tension and, importantly, of dissolving tension.

Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Take a little time to find a body configuration so that you no longer think about changing your body position.

Gently close your eyes, become aware of your breathing, then direct your awareness to the internal configuration of all the fingers of both hands, the entirety of the hands, and both forearms.

Gently increase the muscular tension in both arms, without moving them. At a certain comfortable level of isometric tension, stop and keep the tension at a plateau for a number of seconds. Meditate on the tension. Associate it with your vital force.

Then, at the slowest rate possible, let go of the tension so that it eventually dissipates completely. Mentally amplify the resulting feelings of relaxation.

Repeat the exercise cycle with the same frequency as exercise # one, above. This exercise can progressively be generalized to involve the entire body.

Gérard V. Sunnen M.D.
200 East 33rd St.
New York, NY 10016
212/679-0679 (voice)
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