Jean and Abdullah's wedding reception,
OCTOBER 24, 2004

Click on thumbnail photos to enlarge.

Photos of Jean & Abdullah's wedding.

Photographer Walter capturing the family
Walter locking in time Mom and Harold
Wedding cake and Williamsburg Bridge
DJ Ron and assistant Kenny
Celia Harary and Jean's mom Betty
Sharon Thaler and Ed Liebnitz
Sandy Reed, Stacy DiLieto, and Joan Zacharias

Naomi Weinshenker and Manny Goldman
Chris (holding Zach) and Rachel McDermott
Joan Zacharias and Tom Lyons
Arlyne and daughter Aliya
Alan Rice and Jesse Silverman
Alan Rice and Tom Lyons
Rabbi Michael Beals and unidentified baby

Susan Kalev, Martin Rowe, and Caryn Hartglass
Sue Noss and "man-friend" Kenny
More dancing
And more dancing
Guiliana and Eric Shaw

Rajasri and Maurice and Manny
Ron Montano
Murray, Tom, and Jamie
Ed Liebnitz
Esther, Ann, Katherine, and Joan
Celia and Gabriel and Louis Gedo

Rachel Cohen McDermott
Jamie and Murray
Joan Zacharias and Tom Lyons
Joan and Jesse Silverman
Loving couple - Murray and Jamie
Naomi Weinshenker and friends

Web site by Pamela Rice. Looking for work.